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Stained Concrete Flooring in Massachusetts

It is all too easy to picture plain and unexciting gray or light brown when imagining a concrete floor. Chances are you’ve seen one in a basement or garage- it may even be your floor right now. However, just because concrete is naturally that drab color doesn’t mean it has to stay that way.

Stained concrete floors in Massachusetts can be the perfect option for any area like a garage, basement, or workshop – somewhere that needs a hard durable floor but that you would still like to have some personality.

Using a stained concrete floor in a Boston home will give you a rich color that won’t fade, wear, or wash away. Stains actually react with components of the concrete, so the color becomes part of the slab itself. This means that they can even be used on floors that were not just installed, so if you do have a concrete floor currently, you can use a concrete stain on that.

However, it is often recommended to get a repair overlay on older concrete floors before staining them, as staining older floors could actually highlight imperfections. Be aware of any flaws in a floor before you have it stained.Your stained concrete floors in Boston will also be perfectly unique. Because the stain reacts with the slab, each floor will turn out differently, even if treated with the same color stain. The way the stain interacts with each floor is different.

It is best to have a professional install your stained concrete floors in Massachusetts, New Hampshire, or Rhode Island...Concrete Makeovers can help. We have high quality acid stains and we know how to work with them to achieve the effects you desire. Additionally, we can advise you on whether you can stain your concrete floor as is or whether you will need a concrete overlay to achieve an even color. We also offer additional products like concrete sealers that will help your stained concrete floor in last longer.

Artcon Concrete

(603) 820-6364

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